February In- Person PTA Meeting




Friendly reminder of our February in-person PTA meeting

Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 5pm

We encourage all parents to come to our in person meetings 


We are excited to announce that we will have a presentation by Aim High EI 

The AIMHigh Empowerment Institute serves as a success, retention and graduation initiative where our members are able to improve their academic, personal, professional and social performance. We will accomplish this purpose through seminars, forums, programs and social activities that provide access to mentoring, community service initiatives, college preparation resources, career readiness, family engagement strategies, educational empowerment, and advocacy.


For parent who cannot attend, here's a hybrid option 


Meeting ID: 936 9366 4846
Passcode: 257549


Location: HPHS Library - 3rd floor 

                345 East 15th Street

                  New York, New York 10003


For more information contact our Parent Coordinator; Ms. Martino 

Tel:(212)780-9175 Ext. 3005

EMAIL : [email protected]


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