NYS Launches Program to Encourage High School Students toPursue STEM Education and Careers.
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the launch of the New York State Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) Incentive Program, which will work to encourage high school students to pursue education and careers in New York State within the STEM field.
The program will provide a full SUNY or CUNY tuition scholarship to the top tenpercent of students in every New York high school if they choose to major in a STEM field and work in a STEM job in New
York State for five years after graduation. This program will begin with the 2014 graduating class of seniors, and will be administered by New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC). Award details and applications are availableat the HESC website at: http://www.HESC.ny.gov.
Applications are due August 15, 2014.
Applications are due August 15, 2014.
“Across New York, STEM careers are growing 2.5 times faster than those in any other field, and the Governor’s incentive program is a valuable opportunity for the next generation to ! ll the gap,” said SUNY Chancellor Zimpher, in a SUNY blog article announcing the program. “The program gives top-of-their-class students a world-class education in high-needfields while creating a pipeline of elite talent for the state where our workforce and economy need it the most. At SUNY, we are looking forward to getting this innovative program up and running.”