20 | 10/27/2014 12:14:30 PM
Blue Cards must be submitted to for every student every year. If you have not done so already, please submit your Blue Card.
BLUE CARDS are extremely important for a number of reasons:
- They alert us to any changes in a child’s address or telephone number. We manually check the information on this card and compare it against the information in ATS. The BLUE CARD will override information we currently have on file.
- In the event of an emergency we need to know who to contact.
- Students can only be released to adults listed on this card.
- Students may not participate in PSAL Activities without a BLUE CARDon file.
- Notes from home requesting early departure will only be honored if the signature on the note matches that on the BLUE CARD.
Students will not be permitted to leave early for any reason (including prom) without a letter from home and a BLUE CARD on file.
Please submit your Blue Card to any adult in the main lobby during entrance, or to room 118.